Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Support Groups For Eating Disorders in South Africa

Relapse Prevention support group for eating disorders and other addiction and maladapted behaviour problems.

Welcome to Relapse Prevention a group for people in recovery to share their thoughts and experiences with combatting addiction and other mental health disorders to lead better lives in their recovery. Please feel free to offer tips and advice, share thoughts and strategies, and feel free to invite anyone that could benefit from the valuable contributions added by individuals in recovery. This is a closed group whereby the thoughts and opinions of members are their own. Our moderators are intent only on ensuring that respect is maintained and that messages are in the general interest of helping all members.

Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Eating disorder treatment is determined by the type of disorder and the symptoms you are experiencing. It typically includes a combination of psychological counselling or psychotherapy, nutrition instruction, medical monitoring, and, in some cases, medication.

Other health issues caused by an eating disorder must also be addressed as part of eating disorder therapy, as they can be severe or even fatal if left untreated for too long. If your eating disorder does not improve with conventional treatment or poses a health risk, you may require hospitalization or another type of inpatient program.

A systematic approach to eating disorder treatment can assist you in managing symptoms, regaining a healthy weight, and maintaining your physical and emotional health.