Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Getting Help For Binge Eating Disorder BED

Binge eating disorders are eating disorders wherein an individual feels constantly compelled to over-eat.

Binge eating disorder (BED) constantly compels an individual to over-eat. It is by far one of the most common types of eating disorders. Typically individuals with a compulsive eating disorder will consume large volumes of food in relatively short periods of time and feel guilt or shame after the meal.

Uninformed observers often regard BED as a habit that is only food-related and due to lack of willpower or ill discipline. In reality, it is a complex, debilitating psychological disorder over which the affected person has very little or no control. Healing it usually requires collaboration between medical practitioners, psychotherapists and qualified dieticians.

Diagnostic Qualification of BED

Binge eating disorder is not associated with purgative actions like self-induced vomiting, using laxatives or exercising. It can be diagnosed when at least three of the following symptoms exist:

  1. Eating more rapidly than normal
  2. Eating until feeling uncomfortably full
  3. Excessive eating when not feeling hungry
  4. Eating alone to avoid embarrassment
  5. Lack of control over the eating episode
  6. Feeling guilty or ashamed afterwards

In addition to the above, binge eating episodes must occur at least once a week for three months before it can be diagnosed as a disorder.

What Causes Binge Eating Disorder?

Some common causes of BED include:

In addition to underlying emotional disorders that invoke binge eating, and unpleasant feelings generated by the eating pattern itself, binge eating usually leads to being overweight, which burdens BED sufferers with even more physical and emotional complications.

Signs of Binge Eating Disorder

Prevalent signs include:

Consequences of BED

The most common consequences include:

Treatment options for BED

Treatment involves the recommended cooperation of three different entities:

Medical treatment: Doctors and hospitals can cure physical ailments sprouting from the disorder and, if necessary, prescribe psychiatric medication for extreme emotions like anxiety and depression.

Nutritional planning: Sudden changes in eating patterns and types of food can cause physical and emotional complications. A qualified dietitian should design a recovery diet for the affected person.

Psychotherapy: The root cause of BED is psychological and should be treated by a qualified psychologist or therapist with extensive experience of the disorder. Residential rehabilitation centres are recommended as the most efficient recovery environments. They can also prepare nutritional meals prescribed by dieticians.

There is a frequently held view that eating disorder problems are simply lifestyle choice. Eating disorder problems are in fact significant and also potential fatal disorder that cause extreme disturbances to a person's food intake habits and overall wellbeing. Over obsession with food, body weight, and body shape may likewise indicate a form of eating disorder. Usual eating conditions include anorexia, bulimia nervosa, and also binge-eating disorder.

Binge eating disorders (BED) is by far one of the most common types of eating disorders. Typically individuals suffering with a compulsive eating disorder will consume large volumes of food in relatively short periods of time and then subsequently feel guilt or shame after the meal.

Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Eating disorder treatment is determined by the type of disorder and the symptoms you are experiencing. It typically includes a combination of psychological counselling or psychotherapy, nutrition instruction, medical monitoring, and, in some cases, medication.

Other health issues caused by an eating disorder must also be addressed as part of eating disorder therapy, as they can be severe or even fatal if left untreated for too long. If your eating disorder does not improve with conventional treatment or poses a health risk, you may require hospitalization or another type of inpatient program.

A systematic approach to eating disorder treatment can assist you in managing symptoms, regaining a healthy weight, and maintaining your physical and emotional health.