Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Feeding Disorders

Feeding Disorders in early childhood can be diagnosed when a child does not eat adequately or consistently enough to maintain their proper nutrition and / or growth margins.

A feeding disorder, in early or formative childhood, is when a child refuses to eat specific food types as a response to the texture, solids or liquids for a period exceeding a calendar month, and consequentially these disorders may cause the child to miss weight / growth targets and incite a range of further developmental shortfalls.

Eating Disorder Treatment Services

Eating disorder treatment is determined by the type of disorder and the symptoms you are experiencing. It typically includes a combination of psychological counselling or psychotherapy, nutrition instruction, medical monitoring, and, in some cases, medication.

Other health issues caused by an eating disorder must also be addressed as part of eating disorder therapy, as they can be severe or even fatal if left untreated for too long. If your eating disorder does not improve with conventional treatment or poses a health risk, you may require hospitalization or another type of inpatient program.

A systematic approach to eating disorder treatment can assist you in managing symptoms, regaining a healthy weight, and maintaining your physical and emotional health.